Things that you need to know before buying Debt Collection software

Businesses that are involved either in lending money to clients or collecting unpaid dues such as banks, financial institutions, legal settlement firms, healthcare, Credit card agencies, etc., can utilize Debt Collection software to get their outstanding payments more efficiently. Debt collection software Debt collection software helps us to recoup pending payments from individuals or businesses that owes debts and non-performing […]

On Demand and Seamless Customer Onboarding Software Platform – COBA

Customer onboarding is ultimately a onetime target that requires a bull’s eye hit every time it is done. Customer onboarding software platform is a piece of software that is developed in order to make this process less hectic. A better onboarding experience can even double the conversion rate. Most importantly, customer onboarding process sets a unique tone for a particular business. What […]

LinkUS – Enterprise Private Messaging Platform

Business messaging apps like LinkUS have become the in-practice medium for in-office communication within the organization and among their customers & suppliers. These apps put instant messaging, text messaging, private forums, video calls, file sharing, and sometimes screen sharing, into one hub for collaboration. The result is LinkUS helps in faster and secured communication with easiness across the organization. Now […]

Carry sales in your pocket with Sales on Mobile

Sounds like a plan but it is not always simple to accomplish. A lot of ground work is involved and sales teams are always on the go. Salesforce are vital to any business as they are the mediators between products and customers. Every information exchange between them has to be recorded to track the sales progress. Also they have to […]